Staff from the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program (ICARP) are pleased to invite responses to key surveys that mark the beginning of the application process for the Regional Resilience Grant Program (RRGP) funding: the Intent to Apply Survey and the Request for Help Survey. The sooner you fill out one or both surveys, the sooner RRGP staff can help you navigate RRGP partnership and project eligibility requirements. The first step in applying to RRGP’s funding is filling out the Intent to Apply Survey. If you are not ready to fill out the Intent to Apply Survey, fill out the Request for Help Survey as soon as you can.
Intent to Apply Survey
Filling out the Intent to Apply Survey is the first step in applying to funding from RRGP. The sooner you fill out the Intent to Apply Survey, the sooner RRGP staff can help you navigate the partnership and project eligibility requirements. You only need to include brief, approximate, and general information about the prospective project and Lead Applicant. The RRGP application will be available Spring 2023.
Your responses to the Survey will not disqualify you or affect how the review panel evaluates your application. If your project ideas change between the time you complete the Intent to Apply Survey and the time you complete application, it is okay to include project details in your application that are different from what you submitted in the Intent to Apply Survey.
Request for Help Survey
Prospective applicants may have questions about how to meet RRGP project eligibility, how to meet partnership requirements, other questions about how to interpret the RRGP guidelines, or questions about application components and formatting. For assistance, fill out the Request for Help Survey or email
About RRGP
Over multiple funding rounds, the RRGP will invest $125 million into local public entities, California Native American Tribes, and Community-Based Organizations that are planning and implementing regional projects that advance climate resilience and respond to the greatest climate risks in their regions. The RRGP focuses on supporting communities most vulnerable to climate-change impacts and will invest $21.3 million during Round 1 and at least $12.5 million of that total in regional planning efforts. Visit the RRGP Webpage to learn more.
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