AnnouncementDraft Guidelines Released: California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment Tribal Research Grant Program

Published: 12/30/2022

California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment Tribal Research team is excited to release a draft Grant Funding Opportunity for the first round of Tribal Research Grants. You can access the draft on California Energy Commission’s website or by contacting Patricia Kennedy, California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment’s Tribal Research Manager,

The Grant Program will award $3.625 million dollars to tribes and tribal organizations over the span of the next 3.5 years. The purpose of this grant program is support and encourage tribally led research to address California-specific tribal research needs and questions related to climate change with California’s Climate Assessment, a process that has historically been led by western science and academics. Through many listening sessions and consultations, we have created this draft with hopes to make this funding meaningful and accessible to all California Native American tribes. We hope to hear your thoughts on this.

Comments on the draft are due by 5:00 pm on February 1, 2023, and can be submitted to The team hopes to have a final grant announcement by March 1, 2023.