Announcement OPR Solicits Feedback on REAP 2.0 Higher Impact Transformative (HIT) NOFA

Published: 9/14/2022

The Regional Early Action Planning Grants Program of 2021 (REAP 2.0) Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) guidelines have been released for Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and non-MPO rural counties/tribal entities. OPR, in coordination with the Housing and Community Development Department (HCD), Strategic Growth Council, and California Air Resources Board released guidelines for $540 million that can be suballocated to local jurisdictions. Of this total, $510 million will be allocated as over-the-counter grants to MPOs using formula-based criteria, and $30 million will be competitively allocated to non-MPO rural counties and tribal entities. The guidelines for the third and final pot of $30 million, reserved for competitive High Impact and Transformative (HIT) projects, will be released in the Fall and expands eligible entities to jurisdictions and regional transportation agencies. REAP 2.0 supports the VMT-reducing elements of a Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS), accelerates infill housing for all incomes, funds planning and implementation activities, and facilitates the State planning priorities to help aid California in meeting its ambitious climate targets. For questions, applicants can contact REAP 2.0 staff at

Learn more about REAP 2.0 and apply for all pots of funding by December 31, 2022 below:

Mre information on REAP 2.0