Announcement OPR Releases Final SB 961 Reports

Published: 2/3/2021

OPR is pleased to release a new report evaluating the effectiveness of existing tax increment finance (TIF) tools. Senate Bill 961 (Allen, 2018) required OPR to prepare and submit a report to the Legislature by January 1, 2021 on the effectiveness of TIFs in increasing housing production in location-efficient places. OPR’s report evaluates two distinct but related policy issue areas in California: 1) how effective existing TIF tools have been in advancing key State development goals around housing production and sustainable growth, and 2) bus stops and bus corridors serve as anchors for Transit Oriented Development. Download the [executive summaries and reports] to read three case studies examining TIF implementation in Sacramento, Fresno and LaVerne, interviews with practitioners from across the State, and a deep analysis on ways to potentially improve the effectiveness of TIF tools to facilitate location efficient development.
