Unfortunately, we reached our 500 max very quickly for all of the SB 743 webinars. We don't have a way to add more attendees with our Zoom license, but are looking into livestreaming the next two webinars via YouTube. It is possible that some people may cancel, freeing up spots in the actual webinar, in which case you will be able to register using the links below. There is not currently a wait list.
We will be recording the webinars as well and posting one of the three to our website.
We will also be holding office hours in late April in order to do deep dives on specific topics related to SB 743. Make sure you are registered for our CEQA listserv because that is where we will be sending out announcements on office hours and any future webinar updates. In the meantime, you can submit questions and topics for the office hours to sb743questions@opr.ca.gov.
Please note that we are getting a significant number of emails and will try our best to provide timely responses.
- April 9, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm (WEBINAR FULL)
- April 16, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm (WEBINAR FULL)
- April 20, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm (WEBINAR FULL)
While Californians are rightfully focused on COVID-19 during this time, OPR has also received many questions about SB 743 implementation in the past few weeks. The requirement in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.3 to use vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as the metric for transportation analysis still takes effect on July 1st. The purpose of this webinar is to make this transition as easy and seamless as possible.
OPR staff will walk through OPR’s recommendations on how to implement this change and answer clarifying questions from attendees. The webinar will cover methods of VMT analysis, determining VMT significance, and VMT mitigation for both land use and transportation projects.
Guest presenters from the City of San Jose and UC Berkeley Law's Center for Law, Energy & the Environment will cover how their jurisdiction has implemented the VMT metric and potential mitigation strategies, respectively.
In the meantime, helpful resources are available at OPR’s SB 743 web page, which contains the latest Technical Advisory and narrated presentations explaining key points from the Technical Advisory:
It also contains a California Air Resources Board document connecting VMT with climate targets found in state law.
There will be upcoming online office hours to address more detailed questions.