When we look at the makeup of our grantees, we see a diverse range of organizations and entities working together to address critical issues related to climate resilience and adaptation. The composition of our grant projects span the spectrum from neighborhood-level resilience to larger regional strategies, creating a holistic and inclusive approach to climate adaptation and sustainability.

Projects in the first round bring together eight cities, eight non-governmental organizations (NGOs), seven community-based organizations (CBOs), six counties, four special districts, three California Native American tribes, two universities, one joint powers authority (JPA), one council of governments (COG), and one metropolitan planning organization (MPO). The coalitions underscore a collective commitment to developing projects that yield multiple benefits and are rooted in diverse partnerships.

Round 1 Grantees

City of Berkeley Safety Plan and Environmental Element Update

Total Award: $497,042

The City of Berkeley, in partnership with the Ecology Center and the Berkeley Climate Equity Collaborative, will co-create with community an update to Berkeley’s General Plan Safety Element, development of a new General Plan Environmental Justice Element, and creation of metrics that incorporate equitable outcomes to monitor and evaluate progress towards meeting the City’s climate and resilience goals.

City of San Fernando Climate Action and Resilience Plan

Total Award: $599,918

The City of San Fernando will complete a Climate Action and Resilience Plan (CARP) and update elements in its General Plan (land use, circulation, open space, and conservation) which are crucial for effective resiliency planning and aligning with local, regional, and state initiatives. The project will engage the community early on to gather input in an equitable manner, develop targeted strategies to address disparities, and support vulnerable populations to address climate-related concerns.

Planning for an Equitable, Climate-Safe Lake

Total Award: $649,350

Planning for an Equitable, Climate-Safe Lake will create an inclusive and collaborative framework for improving climate adaptation planning and implementing risk reduction projects in Lake County. The project supports the Community Risk Reduction Authority (RRA) in becoming a self-sustaining climate action provider with an equity focus, including embedding diversity, equity, and inclusion values into RRA's leadership and processes, assessing vulnerabilities, implementing actions from the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, and tracking progress.

Hoopa Valley Tribe Climate Adaptation Plan

Total Award: $338,448

The Hoopa Valley Tribe aims to complete climate adaptation scoping activities, a Vulnerability Assessment, and develop a Climate Adaptation Plan in partnership with the community and tribal staff. Along with the Planning Department of the Hoopa Valley Tribe, they will conduct community outreach and use an online survey to increase accessibility and participation from the community. Developing a climate adaptation plan that includes pathways to forest resilience and conservation efforts for salmonid fisheries is a priority for the Hoopa Valley Tribe.

LA’s Cool Capital Stack

Total Award: $556,000

The LA Cool Capital Stack creates a pipeline of viable community-led climate resilient infrastructure projects designed to strengthen LA County communities most vulnerable to extreme heat and other climate hazards. It establishes an agency-community collaborative that brings together LA County, Metro, and Infrastructure Justice Los Angeles (IJLA) to co-create an approach to equitable, climate resilient infrastructure development.

Ramona Barona Climate Adaptation and Action Plan

Total Award: $596,600

The Ramona-Barona Climate Collaborative, led by the Ramona Municipal Water District and its partners the Barona Band of Mission Indians, Sustainable Ramona and the Ramona Chamber of Commerce, aims to develop a comprehensive climate adaptation and action plan to address climate impacts in the area including extreme heat, water shortages, landslides, flooding, and wildfires.

San Jose Interdependent Water, Energy, Security Electrified Transportation Climate Adaptation Plan

Total Award: $649,970

The San José Interdependent Water, Energy, Security & Electrified Transportation Climate Adaptation Planning Proposal aims to develop a comprehensive climate adaptation plan that focuses on critical infrastructure and incorporates the needs of vulnerable communities.

San Mateo County OneWatershed Climate Resilience Framework

Total Award: $649,64

The City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County is partnering with six water agencies and the community-based organization Climate Resilient Communities to develop a framework that empowers communities to identify local concerns and explore pathways to becoming resilient.

San Rafael Climate Adaptation Planning Collaborative

Total Award: $644,200

Led by the City of San Rafael, the San Rafael Climate Adaptation Planning Collaborative will work with disproportionately vulnerable communities in partnership with local organizations in the Canal neighborhood to co-create solutions for improved safety and resilience. Partners will work to improve understanding of climate hazards, prioritize adaptation measures, and build climate capacity within community-based organizations while providing STEM educational opportunities for students from the Canal neighborhood.

Shade Equity Masterplan for the Unincorporated Eastern Coachella Valley

Total Award: $644,411

The Shade Master Plan for Eastern Coachella Valley's unincorporated communities in Riverside County will benchmark and develop strategies for shade in predominantly low-income, Spanish-speaking areas experiencing temperatures exceeding 120 degrees. The plan will serve as a blueprint for investing in new shade infrastructure and adapting to extreme heat and associated benefits to residents, agencies, and stakeholders in the area.

Stockton Climate Action and Adaptation Plan

Total Award: $650,000

The City of Stockton will partner with trusted, local non-profits and engage a highly qualified consultant to create a new Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. The City's current CAP hasn't been updated since 2014, leaving the City and its partners without a clear vision for the future of Stockton's environment. A new CAP that focuses on public health and equity will guide strategies to address the impacts of climate change, particularly for disadvantaged communities in Stockton.

WRCOG Energy Resilience Plan 2.0 Microgrid Feasibility Studies

Total Award: $471,000

$471,000 WRCOG will develop an Energy Resilience Plan 2.0, which will identify up to ten sites across Western Riverside County to conduct feasibility studies to determine the potential to implement microgrids and community resilience centers.

Yosemite Slough Adaptation Plan

Total Award: $649,000

$649,000 The Yosemite Slough Adaptation Plan aims to address the disparity in adaptation planning between the Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood and the rest of San Francisco's urban waterfront. The plan focuses on building community capacity, developing equitable adaptation strategies, and positioning Yosemite Slough for federal funding. Project partners include the San Francisco Planning Department, En2Action, BAYCAT, San Francisco Estuary Institute, California State Parks Foundation, and other city agencies.

For More Information

Abby Edwards
Abby Edwards is the Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program’s Adaptation Planning Grant Program Manager.