The Topical Synthesis Reports (Topical Reports) will uplift issues of statewide significance, focusing on climate change impacts and risks in California as well as opportunities to build adaptation capacity and resilience to those impacts. The focus of these reports is to uplift and synthesize existing research and resources alongside the findings from the Fifth Assessment’s Original Climate Research programs, where relevant. These reports are not intended to generate completely new research (except where necessary).

The topical report areas of focus have been identified through a robust community engagement process, and with direction from the Climate Assessment’s defining statute (SB 1320, Stern 2020).

Statewide Topical Reports:

  • Racial Equity & Climate Justice: The effects of current and projected climate change impacts on racial equity and climate justice in California.
  • Climate-Induced Human Displacement & Migration: The effects of current and projected climate change impacts on human displacement and migration in California.
  • Climate Impacts to the Economy: The fiscal and economic impacts of current and projected climate change events and trends in California.
  • Tribal and Indigenous Communities: The effects of current and projected impacts on California Native American Tribes.

Topical Synthesis Reports Timeline

Scoping Phase
Fall/Winter 2024
Author Teams Confirmed
Winter 2024 - Spring 2026
Report Development
Summer 2026
Release Topical Reports

Topical Coordinating Lead Authors

  • Tribal and Indigenous Communities: Don Hankins, Chico State
  • Racial Equity and Climate Justice: To be announced
  • Climate-Induced Human Migration and Displacement: To be announced
  • Climate Impacts on the Economy: To be announced