The Climate Assessment Regional Synthesis Reports compile the best available science on climate change and other informational resources at a local scale to help communities understand and develop informed responses to the impacts of climate change in their region.


  • Support a community-led process
  • Produce actionable science and research
  • Implement a consistent framework across regions
  • Synthesis statewide climate issues and highlight local priorities
A map of California highlighting the following regions: North Coast, Sacramento Valley, Sierra Nevada, San Francisco Bay Area, San Joaquin Valley, Central Coast, Los Angeles, Inland Deserts, and San Diego.

Regional Synthesis Timeline

Scoping Phase
Summer 2024
9 Author Teams Confirmed
Summer 2024 - Spring 2026
Report Development
Summer 2026
Release Regional Reports

Regional Coordinating Lead Authors

  • Central Coast: Ruth Langridge, UC Santa Cruz
  • Inland Deserts: Francesca Hopkins, UC Riverside
  • Los Angeles: Jesse Norris, UC Los Angeles
  • North Coast: Andrew Stubblefield & Rosemary Sherriff, Cal Poly Humboldt
  • Sacramento Valley: Helene G. Margolis, UC Davis
  • San Diego: Julie Kalansky & Tom Corringham, UC San Diego
  • San Francisco Bay Area: Louise Bedsworth, UC Berkeley
  • San Joaquin Valley: John Abatzoglou, UC Merced
  • Sierra Nevada: Safeeq Khan, UC Merced